Herbert Spencer(1820-1903) a great social philosopher and a prominent British social thinker, is often called the "Second Founding Father of Sociology". Commonly known for his "THEORY OF SOCIAL DARWINISM(1896)" also called "THEORY OF SOCIAL EVOLUTION" which was influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution.

Contribution of Herbert Spencer

Darwin stated that species with traits that are more suitable to the environment have a greater chance of survival and will likely pass on the successful traits to their offspring. Oppositely, species with poorly adaptable genes will have a lesser opportunity for reproduction and survival; consequently, those species that survive will gradually change and evolve.

Social Darwinism held that certain human beings would become more powerful than others because of their race or group, which means that the more powerful human races and groups would grow more powerful while the weaker ones would be diminished.

According to him, living organisms and society go through the same process in order to function efficiently, just as living organisms had different systems such as regulative, sustaining, distributory, and respiratory, whereas society is made up of government, health, jobs, and agriculture as well as communication systems that help ensure effective functionality.

His theory clearly states how humans pass from a savage to a civilised state, and it holds that all of society changes from a single to complex natural process. He concluded that natural change resulted in perfectionist state in society.

He rejected class struggle and Marx's theory as well as many of Comte's theories.