Considering the Importance of Agricultural sector in the economy The Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare conducts Agriculture Census since 1970-71 (Base year). Periodic Agriculture Censuses are Important as these are the main source of Information on basic characteristics of operational holdings such as land-use, cropping pattern, irrigation status, tenancy and dispersal of holdings etc. An agricultural operational holding is the ultimate unit for taking decision for development of Agriculture at micro level. Agriculture Census is carried out in three phases as a Central sector Scheme under which 100% financial assistance is provided to states/Union territories.

Agricultural Census - Phases : 

   Phase-I : a list of holdings with their area and social characteristics and gender of the holders is prepared.
  Phase-II : Detailed data on tendency, Land use, Irrigation status, area under different crops etc. are collected.
Phase-III : Known as Input survey, relates to collection of data of Input use across various crops, states in addition to data on agriculture credit, implements, live stocks and seeds.

Source : Department of Agriculture