Melocanna baccifera is a tropical bamboo species also called "Muli" in North East India. It is one of the largest fruit producing Bamboo and native to NorthEast India-Myanmar region.

Melocanna baccifera
The Bamboo grows in a tropical-subtropical climate and It is most useful in its native range especially in Bangladesh.

Recently, This bamboo was on the headlines for attracting predators like Bats, Rats, etc., See basically these Bamboos during its gregarious flowering season produces edible fruits which have the size and shape of pear.

The Problem with the fruit?

  • Predators like Bat, Rats line up in large numbers to consume these fruits. Previously Scientists were of the opinion that the animals are getting attracted towards the fruit for its high protein. But a recent research has revealed that the sweet nature of these fruits which is nothing but sugars are the reasons for its familiarity among animals.
  • Fruit Chemistry an interesting subfield of chemistry is on rage nowadays as it can help us identify the connections between so many incidents involving Animals and their food behaviour.

WHY is Melocanna baccifera the Issue now?

Black Rats the one at the forefront in the line devouring the fruits, multiply rapidly during the fruit season. This is dubbed as  "Rat Flood". The issue that threatens is the rats may turn towards crop produce once the fruit season is over. This may result in adverse effects like Famines which can impact heavily on Human livelihood. Let's also remember that rats are infamous for plague too.